
2017-02-14观点Karl Oliver





艾利斯·比弗斯(Alice Beevers),人力资源主管,英国奥委会(BOA)






亚力克山大·施努尔(Alexandra Schnurr),人力资源高级经理,国际残奥委员会(IPC)










本文作者:Karl Oliver



Attracting the best talent is always important, but when you’re assembling a team to take to the Olympic or Paralympic Games, finding and securing candidates of the finest calibre is essential. Such was the challenge facing three GlobalSportsJobs partners in the build-up to Rio 2016.

Here, senior executives at the British Olympic Association (BOA), International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and Comité National Olympique et Sportif Français (CNOSF) explain in their own words the importance of using the right partner for digital talent acquisition when embarking on such a large and complex operation.


“Digital is fundamental in the overall success of our talent strategy, as well as all of our recruitment drives. We as the British Olympic Association recruit via the web. Jobseekers will search for jobs online, applicants will apply online, so it is incredibly important for the British Olympic Association as an employer to have a very strong digital presence that clearly demonstrates our employer brand values and the Team GB brand values, otherwise we simply fall at the first hurdle and we’re not engaging the potential new talent that is out there.

“GlobalSportsJobs have really made a difference to our recruitment processes. They have turned what could be an average recruitment drive into a highly successful recruitment drive. The sporting landscape is vast but through experience I have found that talent can be found in the most unexpected of places.

“So what GlobalSportsJobs has done for the British Olympic Association is offer us a really broad digital network of job-seekers that quite frankly would otherwise have gone untapped. It is through their support over the past twelve months, whether that’s pushing our employer brand via the website, or even on an operational day-to-day basis when we’re going through a recruitment drive, which is all done digitally; they have the expertise that for me helps massively as we go through that process. And the beauty of working with GlobalSportsJobs is how easy it has been to measure the return on investment that the British Olympic Association has made, in that we see this on a dayto-day basis through the exceptional performance of our very highly talented team of people.”

The British Olympic Association advertised 6 key positions for their Rio Olympics team on the GlobalSportsJobs international English-language platform. These included roles in the PR & communications, digital and administrative functions. Job views totalled 8,048 and in all there were 362 applications for an average of 60 applications per job. BOA continue to use GlobalSportsJobs as they begin to build Team GB for Pyeongchang 2018 and have already advertised two high-profile roles in the science & medicine function.


“At the Paralympic Games, as with any major international multi-sport event, the quality of the event is largely dependent on the quality of its people. With this in mind, attracting, securing and training a workforce of sufficient calibre is a key priority for us around a Games and GlobalSportsJobs has supported us superbly with this.

“We recognise the importance of adapting and evolving our talent search processes to accurately reflect the behaviours of a digitally native workforce. The services that GlobalSportsJobs provide and the employer branding opportunities that are derived from this, allow us to penetrate the labour market effectively and educate future employees about what it means to work at the IPC.

“The extensive reach of the network has proven itself to deliver a multicultural and superior quality of candidates, across the very wide range of functions that are required to deliver a Paralympic Games.”

The International Paralympic Committee used the GlobalSportsJobs platform to advertise 37 roles across numerous functions, including legal, broadcast, PR, digital media, hospitality and HR over an eight-month period in the run-up to what turned out to be the biggest Paralympic Games to date. There were a total of 20,607 job views across the GlobalSportsJobs international English-language and German-language platforms, with 1,066 applications for an average of 29 applications per role.


“The Comité National Olympique et Sportif Français is satisfied with its first experience with GlobalSportsJobs. They helped CNOSF position its employer brand in the digital world, both quantitatively in terms of the number of people we could reach though their platform, and qualitatively in terms of the applications that we received from candidates who have since turned out to become successful employees.”

Through the GlobalSportsJobs French-language platform, CNOSF was able to attract a greater quality and diversity of talent. Over the nine-month period leading up to the Rio Olympics, they advertised and successfully filled 11 job vacancies across the senior management, marketing, accounting, science & medicine and HR functions, generating over 16,637 views and 673 applications - an average of 61 per job.








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