中国足球与其巨资引进海外球员,不如先提升比赛娱乐性 | 双语专栏

2017-01-06观点Ken Grant










俱乐部、体育公司?海外体育地产才最适合中国投资者 | 双语专栏

作者简介:Ken Grant 鸿俊,MSc, DipM, MCIM, Chartered Marketer

体育业内人士、投资人和观察家;国际主席俱乐部(IPC)及亚英体育俱乐部(AASC)董事;The English Football League中国区官方商务开发代表。在足球、高尔夫、马球等体育领域拥有广泛的国际关系。


It's the end of December and naturally the footballing world is focused on the transfer window and in particular the transfer window for China. The funny thing is that the interest in the Chinese transfers for most people isn’t much to do with the players themselves but the ridiculous amounts of money some clubs are paying for them. I am sure in China it looks great to pay someone £400K a week, but to the rest of the world that is 1/ that's a silly weekly salary for anyone and 2/ these players really aren’t worth that much money because the top European leagues wouldn’t pay these sums

When I look at these figures I think; ‘why don’t you spend the money on making football more entertaining’ by which I mean the entire experience of engaging with a club and attending a match, because currently ‘poor’ is the only way I could use to describe the experience myself. Lets put the quality of the football display out of the discussion for the moment because quite honestly Chinese football is boring to watch in the stadium; its not creative or stylish, or gladiatorial.

But if attending a match made me feel like a real supporter it would make up for the on-pitch disappointment; but it doesn’t. If I attend a match in Europe even in a very small stadium belonging to a small club, there is atmosphere from the moment I arrive; there is a buzz and a feeling of anticipation. Fans socialise outside the stadium and continue inside, they drink and eat, they discuss the team and the opposition with people they don’t even know because they are joined by the common love of the game, and you cannot manufacture this no matter how much money you pay for players.

I understand and appreciate that in most stadiums in China police regulations restrict the sale of food and drink, but it appears to me that the clubs don’t really try to work with the police to ease up on the rules for at least one match to see how they work, they want an easy life and fan engagement isn’t really what counts, its winning the game. Winning is great, but its even more exciting when you do it with others, so bring the fans on-board!

Football clubs are actually in the entertainment industry because that's what people buy a ticket for a match to do…… entertained. The more entertaining the experience is, the more tickets and merchandise can be sold, its very simple. Clubs need to remember this and think how the entire match-day experience can be much more entertaining. One super expensive player on the pitch may draw the crowds for the first game or to, but this is China and attention spans are very short, soon that player will pass through the revolving door and another will replace him. The only people who benefitted from the huge transfer fee are the agent and the player; the club gets nothing to hold onto and the fans are no better served.

It would be so good to see a Chinese club invest a fraction of the silly money it pays for foreign players into the fan experience because this is what will be part of the building blocks of Chinese football for the future together with youth development programmes (but the latter is a major long term investment and a story for another day).


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