俱乐部、体育公司?海外体育地产才最适合中国投资者 | 双语专栏

2016-12-28观点Ken Grant






▲ 伊丽莎白女王奥林匹克公园









▲ 某英国体育地产规划图





作者简介:Ken Grant 鸿俊,MSc, DipM, MCIM, Chartered Marketer

体育业内人士、投资人和观察家;国际主席俱乐部(IPC)及亚英体育俱乐部(AASC)董事;The English Football League中国区官方商务开发代表。在足球、高尔夫、马球等体育领域拥有广泛的国际关系。


Its always been interesting to me that China has so many stadia and large sporting venues for a country that hasn’t really had much interest in mainstream sports until the last few years. Yes, the country has had elite sports men and woman for many years, but sport as a mainstream entertainment industry is a new concept.

The number of existing facilities is already huge, yet there are new one being designed and built very regularly; why when everyone of the existing ones sits there doing nothing most of the time and is actually costing money to sit idle, more idle sports infrastructure would appear to be a complete waste of money. My point is to raise the issue of venue management, or lack of it here in China.

The topics of sports venue planning, design, management and promotion is large and would take too long to touch the surface of, so I will not enter into them here, but I want to start the discussion related to investing in the IP and skill sets to turn China’s ‘white elephant’ stadiums into commercial businesses that break even at least, and ideally make money.

If I look around the world at the USA or Europe there are many great examples of stadiums and sports facilities being run as a business. By this I mean the operators sweat the assets and generate income from many channels across the facility; some will be sport related, but others will be business, social or retail focused. Just because a stadium is built with a primary sports focus, it doesn’t mean that that is all it can be.

The classic example is a football stadium. The football pitch maybe used once or twice per week in some cases otherwise the stands and the infrastructure necessary of a match day is lifeless. These days that isn’t the case if you were to visit a stadium of a small professional football club you will find it buzzing with people of all ages, sizes and sexes using the facilities, and you will not see a football all day. Why? Because football clubs are generating income from the facilities that are costing them money to clean, heat and decorate.

This small football club is likely to be renting meeting rooms to businesses for offsite meetings or presentations, clubs for the elderly or very young children maybe meeting a few days a week and using the club as their home, and at weekends young couples may chose to hold their wedding receptions within the stadium space. Birthday parties, wedding anniversary events, school reunions…….the list is endless and this is all brining money into the facilities and paying for it.

Compare this with China and if we visited any stadium in any city, it is likely to be sitting lifeless for 95% of the time at least, costing the local government money each year to pay for to keep it safe and functioning. The local people who use it or even just visit it will be a very small number and percentage of those in the district or city. Multiply this up across the country and there is a big herd of white elephants waiting to be slowly brought to life. In Beijing alone there are 24 venues like this and 28 in Shanghai, that's a lot of concrete not paying for itself!

So what can the government staff or their venue operators do about it? There is a big hole in the sports ecosystem in this and every other area, and it’s not possible to train people, and more importantly give them real life experiences of running this type of venue in just a few years. My suggestion is to buy it!

I have mentioned well managed sports facilities in Europe and the USA, so why don’t Chinese businesses invest in these venues that are making money, their risk is relatively low to do so, but more importantly they are buying access to the skills and experience of the staff that will enable IP to be transferred back to China. A Chinese entity that owned such a stadium could place some of its staff in the venue to shadow and learn from the existing operational team and bring them back or rotate them through on a regular basis.

Overseas staff could be brought to China to manage specific projects, connections into international networks of suppliers, sports teams, entertainers and service providers are all possible, and the asset that was invested in will still be operating as it did before.

To give an example of the type of venue that is a suitable investment opportunity, there is an arena in the middle of England which seats 32,500 people and is home to a rugby team and a football team. In addition to hosting sports matches, outdoor and indoor music concerts are held there, it has a 121 room hotel, 6000 sqm of exhibition and conference space, 15,000sqm of convention and banqueting space, a 4000 seat casino, office accommodation and its own railway station.

This facility was of course designed to be multifunctional from its inception, but having facilities and being able to sell them to make money are two different things. If these experience and skill set could ne mirrored in China we might see some of the countries sporting venues come closer to breaking even at least, and they would be more attractive for sponsors, sports and entertainment promoters and most importantly to the people who need to be there to spend the money; the general public.

The idea of owning a facility on the other side of the planet may not be easy to understand for a Chinese investor but my suggestion is not about running the facility yourself, the people doing it now can carry on doing it, but what it does do is to provide immediate access to the know how and expertise that China so badly misses.








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