这个ToB健身App,有一条让人坚持全年健身的公式 | 创业熊



When it comes to employee health management, most people’s first reaction may be medical corporate health benefits such as regular physical examinations. In fact, exercise and fitness is also one of them, because compared to paying employees high medical expenses, encouraging employees to keep healthy through exercise is the lowest-cost management method.


A British start-up company GoJoe took a fancy to this market. What GoJoe wants to do is to enable users to participate in team sports challenges under the mentality of competing with each other through the star effect of athletes and meeting the social needs of corporate employees, so as to achieve the goal of maintaining fitness throughout the year.

为了更深入了解人们坚持运动和无法坚持运动的原因,创始人Will Turner及其团队与加利福尼亚州斯坦福大学的教授合作近三年,找出有哪些因素可以让人们保持健身的动力,这些因素中又有哪些可以应用在GoJoe上,并尝试将这些因素组合出一个公式,而不仅仅依赖于常识进行判断。

In order to gain a deeper understanding of people's motivation to keep exercising and not to keep exercising, founder Will Turner and his team also worked with professors at Stanford University in California for two or three years to find out what factors can keep people motivated to keep fit. Which of them can be applied to GoJoe, and try to combine these factors into a formula instead of relying on common sense to judge.

在3月底,GoJoe获得120万英镑的种子轮融资,这是成立以来第二轮融资。本轮融资由Superbet Ventures领投,Hellen’s Rock、Animoca Brands以及Michael Carrick(卡里克)跟投——这位前曼联足球运动员也是GoJoe的用户。

At the end of March, GoJoe received 1.2 million pounds in seed round financing, which is the second round of financing since its establishment. The round was led by Superbet Ventures, with participation from Hellen’s Rock, Animoca Brands and Michael Carrick – the former Manchester United footballer and GoJoe user.

接下来,GoJoe将会在B2B领域继续扩充市场规模。Will Turner告诉懒熊体育,他听说中国市场的民众对于健身产品有很大的兴趣,同时他也确信,世界上不只有英国的民众面临着巨大的健康危机。从一个运动健身App的角度,GoJoe很乐意探索中国市场,不过当务之急是要发布国际化版本(目前只有英文版)。

Next, GoJoe will continue to expand the market size in the B2B field. Will Turner told Lanxiong Sports that he heard that people in the Chinese market are very interested in fitness products. At the same time, he is convinced that not only the British people are facing a huge health crisis in the world, so from the perspective of a sports fitness app GoJoe is happy to explore the Chinese market, but the top priority is to release an international version (currently only in English).


According to the observation of Lanxiong Sports, some B2C Apps in China have developed enterprise side businesses. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, there is still a lot of room for development on the consumer side, and the demand for B2B business may not be so much.


1. Use the star effect of athletes to create social scenes

Will Turner和Phil Steele于2003年-2006年共同就读于英国利兹大学,两人是舍友,经常和其他朋友一起组队进行运动,相互挑战。大学毕业之后,2007年-2008年两人都进入了法学院继续进修。工作之后,这种组队运动的爱好保留了下来,成为老朋友的聚会方式。他们每年都会租用一个体育场地,一起进行跳远、百米短跑等对抗性的体育运动。

Will Turner and Phil Steele studied together at the University of Leeds in the UK from 2003 to 2006. They were roommates and often teamed up with other friends to play sports and challenge each other. After graduating from university, both of them entered the law school from 2007 to 2008 to continue their studies. After work, this hobby of team sports survived as a way to meet old friends. They rent a sports field every year and play confrontational sports such as long jump and 100-meter sprint together.


This also provided some inspiration for the later development of GoJoe, they realized that being able to continue exercising with someone or competing with each other is the biggest motivation for people to maintain exercise habits. Both Will and Phil agree that current fitness apps don't do this very well.

2017年Will决定跟伙伴创立GoJoe。此时他们遇到了GoJoe的首席技术官Constantin Predescu,他是一款足球比赛记录App——TheFans的创始人。Constantin帮忙打造了产品原型,而Will和Phil设法从一些奥运选手和其他人那里获取一些早期投资。

In 2017, Will decided to start GoJoe with his partners. That's when they met Constantin Predescu, GoJoe's chief technology officer and founder of TheFans, a football game recording app. Constantin helped build the prototype, while Will and Phil managed to secure some early funding from some Olympians and others.

毕业后Will和Phil成为体育律师,Phil在一家名为Brabners的公司任职,Will则在Team GB(英国奥委会)担任高级律师并从事数字产品相关工作,是交付世界上第一个奥林匹克NFT的团队的一员。在Team GB任职期间,Will参与了四场奥运会(包括冬奥),同时参与到跟世界上一些大品牌(Visa、可口可乐、阿迪达斯)、奥运选手、社交平台和健身应用程序的合作,为此积累了一些运动员的联系方式。

After graduation, Will and Phil became sports lawyers, Phil worked in a company called Brabners, and Will worked as a senior lawyer in Team GB (British Olympic Committee) and engaged in digital product-related work. He was the one who delivered the world's first Olympic NFT part of the team. During his tenure at Team GB, Will participated in four Olympic Games (including the Winter Olympics), and at the same time participated in cooperation with some of the world's biggest brands (Visa, Coca-Cola, Adidas), Olympians, social platforms and fitness apps, for which he accumulated contact information for some athletes.



In 2018, GoJoe was officially launched. Will and Phil continued their old jobs until the business started to generate some income, and from the end of 2020 they decided to develop GoJoe full-time.

入驻GoJoe的运动员,有一些不仅是用户,而且是天使投资人,比如Alistair Brownlee。Alistair是2012年奥运会和2016年奥运会男子铁人三项两届金牌得主,2006年-2009年在英国利兹大学就读,是Will和Phil的校友。

Some of the athletes who entered GoJoe are not only users, but also angel investors, such as Alistair Brownlee. Alistair is a two-time gold medalist in men's triathlon in the 2012 Olympic Games and the 2016 Olympic Games. He studied at the University of Leeds in the UK from 2006 to 2009 and is an alumnus of Will and Phil.



▲From left to right are Phil, Alistair, Will


As part of that investment, GoJoe acquired some marketing and commercial rights around these individuals, allowing GoJoe to advertise with the star power of athletes and Olympians. At the same time, as users, they will update content on GoJoe, such as launching team sports challenges and updating daily training content. Other users can sign up to participate in these challenges and interact directly with their favorite athletes on GoJoe's community forums.

GoJoe其实是为用户提供了一种更接近他们喜爱的运动员的方式。Will向懒熊体育透露,这样的运动员目前有数十名。作为一个B2B App,GoJoe主要面向企业客户。一些企业客户比如跨国公司,甚至会花钱聘请运动员成为他们内部团队的一员,并为他们公司提供独家的挑战和个人内容,以激励员工坚持健身。

GoJoe is actually giving users a way to get closer to their favorite athletes. Will revealed to Lanxiong Sports that there are tens of athletes in total. As a B2B App, GoJoe is mainly for enterprise customers. Some corporate clients, such as multinational corporations, even pay athletes to be part of their in-house teams and provide their companies with exclusive challenges and personal content to motivate their employees to keep fit.


2. Focus on the B2B market and seek scale growth

除了运动员,在Team GB工作期间,Will在与一些社交平台和健身应用程序合作时,也发现GoJoe的产品理念大有可为。

In addition to athletes, when working with Team GB, Will also found that GoJoe's product concept has great potential when cooperating with some social platforms and fitness applications.

Will告诉懒熊体育,目前现有的上千种App都没能很好地解决“让人们保持一个全年健身的动力”这个问题。“对于每个人来说,影响健身的因素都不相同,我们尝试将这些因素组合出一个公式,应用在GoJoe上,但目前还在探索阶段。” Will表示。

Will told Lanxiong Sports that none of the thousands of existing apps can solve the problem of "keeping people motivated to exercise throughout the year". "For everyone, the factors that affect fitness are different. We try to combine these factors into a formula and apply it to GoJoe, but it is still in the exploration stage." Will said.


To this end, Will's team cooperated with professors from Stanford University in California to conduct research, and finally they found that three factors, the degree of competition, the degree of difficulty, and the frequency of contact between groups, can be used in the development of GoJoe functions.


Will pointed out that the factors that affect motivation actually come from psychology, so find a way to make people willing to use this app to exercise.


Initially, GoJoe wanted to be a consumer-oriented fitness application, but there are too many similar products in this field, and Will did not think of a good way to persuade users to use GoJoe. So he turned his attention to the B2B market on the enterprise side. Positioning GoJoe as a product that utilizes the influence of athletes and has stronger social attributes, Will believes that this is a blank in the current market, especially on the enterprise side, because many companies around the world (whether large or small) Enterprises) are very willing to enhance communication among employees and improve employee benefits through sports, fitness and social networking.


“我们从这个角度切入,开始联系企业,那些希望员工保持健身动力的企业也开始找我们。相对于步数挑战的App,GoJoe是一个独一无二的模型,更具创新性和趣味性。在过去两三年里,我们的模型也有了一些演变。” Will说。

"From this perspective, we started to contact companies, and those companies that wanted their employees to maintain fitness motivation also began to approach us. Compared with the step-counting app, GoJoe is a unique model that is more innovative and interesting. In the past two or three years, our model has also evolved a bit." Will said.



At present, among GoJoe's enterprise users, there are many large enterprises, and some large enterprises are still early users, such as PWC, Amazon, and PayPal. The number of enterprise users exceeds 500, and Will said that this number is still growing exponentially.



In terms of price, the pricing of the product is divided into three grades, and the billing is based on the number of participants in the challenge. The annual subscription price is 144 pounds (equivalent to about 1241.57 yuan) per month, and there is no free version. This is their current main income model and composition.


In fact, there are already some similar apps in the enterprise-oriented market. Generally speaking, such platforms will set up some team tasks in the form of sports challenges or step counting. After completing the tasks, employees can get rewards or use the rewards to support public welfare. Thereby helping enterprises complete the work of employee health management. However, from the employee's point of view, this kind of step-counting exercise method is still fresh at the beginning, but it cannot fully and continuously mobilize their enthusiasm.


GoJoe wants to break the boundaries between work and play - this app is not only used to complete the fitness tasks assigned by the company, not just a work app, but also willing to use it when playing in daily life.



Different from apps that challenge the number of steps, GoJoe uses a weighted statistical method when calculating rankings, and different sports are given different points. Users can initiate team challenges, compete online with other people, or compete between teams, and the winners will get some rewards. Through this kind of fun and competitive psychology, people are willing to use GoJoe to ask other people for sports.


At the same time, users can also join the community to interact with other users. There are also some KOLs on GoJoe, sharing knowledge about kinesiology, nutrition, rest and relaxation, and mental health.


Will said that the United Kingdom is facing a huge health crisis. Too many people lack exercise and lead to obesity, which increases the risk of disease, which brings a heavy burden on the British National Health Insurance and increases the cost of medical expenses. GoJoe, if applied properly, will save businesses and the government healthcare costs.


In addition to the UK, a large part of GoJoe's customer business is in the United States and Canada, and there are also a few corporate customers in Singapore, Australia and other parts of Europe. Currently only available in English.


"We are very concerned about the Asian market. Many companies have employees there, so we also have many users. Our current focus is on improving the GoJoe product, increasing market share, and expanding to Asian companies. I think the Chinese mainland market is a huge one. I know from users who use GoJoe in this market, people here are very interested in gamification and social fitness products, I want to explore the market here. But first, our products must be released in an international version .” Will said.


Founded five years ago, GoJoe currently has 15 full-time employees. The company has two offices in London and New York. In addition to full-time employees, there are also some part-time and freelancers. They are project contractors all over the world. There are about 10 of them.


After taking two rounds of financing, investors also put forward some expectations for GoJoe in terms of scale. "In today's economy, the challenge for us is to scale without growing too fast," Will said.


3. There are similar products in the Chinese market, but the market demand is relatively fixed


Compared with foreign apps that are already competing for the professionalism of fitness services, Chinese apps are more focused on educating people to develop exercise habits and satisfy consumer demand for fitness products.


In the Chinese mainland market, there are not many sports and fitness apps that provide services for enterprises. This is related to the fact that China's sports consumer market is in a period of rapid development and is not yet mature.


This rapid development has benefited from the promotion of Document No. 46 in 2014. The document mentioned that it is necessary to comprehensively promote national fitness and improve the physical fitness of the people. By 2035, China will build a sports power and achieve the goal of a healthy China, and the sports industry will become a pillar industry of the national economy.


During this period of rapid development, most Apps in China are directly oriented to consumers, such as Keep, Codoon, Joyrun, 51yund, RQrun, etc. Starting from running sports with the lowest threshold, through the method of "sports + social sharing + rewards", to help users establish and cultivate exercise habits, and then launch related shoes and clothing, smart equipment, offline venues, etc. around different sports, forming a From online to offline business ecological closed loop, this is a common practice of B2C Apps in the past 10 years.

其中也有一部分开拓了to B的业务。据懒熊体育观察,国内面向企业提供服务的运动健身App,包括悦动圈企业运动服务、企业咕咚、趣动WillGo、青橙科技·亿企练、乐刻运动企业健康服务等(注:若还有其他,欢迎在评论区留言补充)。具体的服务形式包括企业线上团课、企业团队步数挑战(部分App采用的数据来源是微信运动)等。客户通常以大型国企、大型民企等大公司为主。

Some of them have developed to B business. According to Lanxiong Sports' observation, sports and fitness apps in China that provide services for enterprises include 51yund Enterprise Sports Services, Codoon Enterprise Club, QudongWillGo, Qingchengfit enterprise-solution, Lefit Enterprise Health Services, etc. (If there are others, please leave a message in the comment area to add). Specific service forms include corporate online group classes, corporate team step challenge (some apps use WeChat sports data), etc. Clients are usually large state-owned enterprises, large private enterprises and other large companies.


However, for enterprises, if they do not consider time and space constraints, and do not consider the needs of remote social interaction, the preferred form is still to hold offline corporate group activities, or directly build a gym in the corporate office for employees to use. At present, enterprises in China do not pay enough attention to employee health management and corresponding medical expenses, coupled with the differences in the insurance systems of the two countries, it is likely that apps like GoJoe cannot fully adapt to the situation in the Chinese market.


(Juncong Tang, author of Lanxiong Sports, also contributed to this article)


Disclaimer: This article is from Lanxiong Sports-www.mao361.com.







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