Simon Chadwick 专栏:重提欧洲超级联赛?这背后是好大的一盘棋 | The Pitch

2016-03-23职业体育Simon Chadwick


接着,美国体育产业企业家史蒂芬·罗斯(Stephen Ross)的代表与英超顶级俱乐部高层在伦敦进行了一次秘密会面,使得关于欧洲足球版图分裂的传言进一步发酵。尽管那些参加会面的人士都强调他们是在讨论国际冠军杯的事宜,但很多评论者都推测关于欧洲超级足球联赛的提案已经被提上议事日程。
















Recent weeks have seen the possibility of a European football breakaway league reappear almost a decade after the issue was last thought to be a distinct possibility. Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, chairman of the European Club Association and Bayern Munich CEO, recently said he is not ruling out a potential European Super League in the near future.

Further fuelling rumours of a split in European football, American sports entrepreneur Stephen Ross’ representatives have met officials from the English Premier League’s leading clubs in London. Although those involved in the meeting have stressed that they were discussing the International Champions Cup, many industry commentators have speculated discussions about a breakaway were on the agenda.

The origins of current rumours can be traced back nearly 10 years ago to the election of Michel Platini as UEFA president in 2007. Prior to this election, the leading European clubs (including the likes of Manchester United and Chelsea) had formed the G14 in 2000. The G14 was intended to safeguard the interests of these 14 self-appointed top clubs, which later became 18 clubs. Among other things, the clubs wanted a greater share of revenues from European competitions and insurance pay-outs for players involved in FIFA sanctioned national team games.

In order to press both UEFA and FIFA on these matters, the G14 constantly emphasised the threat of a breakaway super league. Their pressure paid-off, the top clubs were successful in several ways; for example, insurance arrangements are now in place for players who might be injured playing in a World Cup qualifying game and who therefore miss games for their clubs. However, many in European football, most notably Platini, believed the G14 and the continent’s ‘top clubs’ had become too powerful and were threatening the broader interests of the game.

Hence, when Platini stood for election as UEFA president in 2007, his manifesto advocated reform. He stressed the need for changes to the way in which, for example, revenues from the Champions League would be allocated to clubs. In particular, he wanted greater equality across European football, and therefore appealed to smaller nations to secure their votes. He did so by, amongst other things, promising to increase their revenue allocations from UEFA competitions.

At the same time, recognising that the likes of Barcelona and Bayern Munich were the jewels in the crown of European football, Platini also proved to be a highly adept politician. He successfully courted the vote of national associations representing the nations in which these bigger clubs were located. He did so by promising to grow UEFA’s revenues, thus enabling him both to pay-out more to bigger and smaller clubs and associations. Interestingly, he formulated and pursued this agenda under the careful guidance of his General Secretary, Gianni Infantino – the recently elected new FIFA president.

In building revenue streams, Platini also undertook to address the issue of richer clubs getting richer and dominating European club competitions by spending large amounts of money in order to succeed. The Frenchman was also anxious to ensure the financial sustainability of European football, as he was concerned that some clubs were rapidly heading towards massive losses and possible bankruptcy. This resulted in UEFA Financial Fair Play regulations, measures designed to moderate the financial performance of football clubs across Europe.

In combination, Platini’s package of initiatives was a sufficient condition for the G14 to dismantle, which in turn was replaced by the European Clubs Association (ECA). The ECA’s remit was to represent a much broader base of clubs and to build democratic governance. With the emergence of the ECA, the disappearance of the G14, and underpinned by Platini’s smart politicking, the pressure for a breakaway European Super League rapidly subsided.

Fast forward to 2015, and there were FBI raids on a hotel in which FIFA officials were staying ahead of the organisation’s presidential elections in May. This prompted a flurry of intense investigative activity which ultimately resulted in newly re-elected president Sepp Blatter initially resigning from the position and then, ultimately, him being banned from football. In the meantime, a new FIFA presidential election was called for February 2016, with Michel Platini announcing his intention to be a candidate. At the same time, Platini’s right-hand man Infantino also announced his candidature, probably as a political move intended to cover for his boss who was being investigated by FIFA’s Ethics Committee.

Subsequently, Platini joined Blatter in being banned from football and the FIFA presidential election went ahead without them. This immediately created a power vacuum at the top of both UEFA and FIFA, engendered a great deal of uncertainty among the European clubs which had earlier been placated by Platini Almost immediately, the ECA (most notably through Rummenigge) began to question whether or not Europe’s leading clubs could continue accepting the constraints imposed upon them by the likes of UEFA.

It remains unclear who will become UEFA’s new president now that the organisation’s two leading officials are no longer around and some of their potential replacements have also been adversely caught-up in investigations into FIFA. The ECA’s public posturing is therefore, in part, a response to UEFA uncertainty and a warning to potential incumbents that they need to take clubs seriously. However, many of the ECA’s clubs are also acutely aware that the English Premier League’s (EPL) new television contract will start at the beginning of next season. This deal is the biggest in European football club history and will result in English teams having a significant financial advantage over their European rivals. So great will this advantage become that even teams relegated from the EPL are likely to earn more than the team that wins the UEFA Champions League.

This inevitably concerns other European clubs and the ECA itself; but with no president confirmed in office at UEFA, it is unclear if or how the governing body will respond to the threats posed by the EPL’s new television deal. Furthermore, with Gianni Infantino now in office as FIFA president and committed to addressing deep-rooted governance problems within the world governing body, it is unclear what role FIFA might take in influencing or moderating such developments. With these factors in mind, it therefore seemed almost inevitable that club representatives from the EPL would therefore start to discuss breaking away from existing competitions. Depending upon your view, such discussions are either a provocative or a precautionary measure.

A further consideration for European’s has been recent developments in China; club acquisitions and high profile player transfers have rather caught many in Europe by surprise. At the same time, a sudden rise in the value of broadcasting contracts for Chinese football has alerted Europeans to the potential financial power and general commercial appeal of the Super League and its clubs. China has therefore rapidly become a competitive threat for some European clubs and governing bodies; subsequent discussions about playing breakaway league games in Asian cities is clear evidence of the Chinese threat perceived by some in European football.

Until Gianni Infantino makes public his strategy for FIFA, until UEFA has a new president, until the ramifications of the EPL’s new television deal, and until the actual threats posed by China all become apparent, rumours about a European Super League will not subside. One suspects that there is some way to go yet and that this issue could well dominant football discussions for the next couple of years. Indeed, until the Europe’s leading football clubs have more certainty in their operating environments then expect much more political manoeuvring by all of the organisations involved in the continent’s current vacuum.

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Simon Chadwick is 'Class of 92' Professor of Sports Enterprise at Salford University Manchester and Director of Research for the 2022 Qatar World Cup. He has worked with many of the world's leading sports organisations including FC Barcelona, UEFA, the Bundesliga, Adidas, Michelin Motorsport, the International Tennis Federation, Deloitte and Repucom.








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