
2016-07-26职业体育Ken Grant














I was very pleased to meet a Chinese person from the sports industry recently who like me, doesn’t understand why anyone in China thinks that putting kids into a football school at the age of eight is the correct way to develop open minded, creative and passionate football players. My personal view is that China doesn’t need robots all trained the same way for ten or more years, or coaches who teach their students exactly as they were taught. It needs a completely different system and approach.

The first thing is that all kids develop physically, emotionally and educationally at different speeds. We all know the kid who was the smallest in the class at 10 and then became very tall at 14, or the one who struggled in PE lesson to play basketball but when allowed to play football found that they had a natural ability for it; every child is an individual.

If we look at the approach to youth coaching in Europe for example, every boy or girl has an individual development plan. Parents are involved in supporting and encouraging their children to play football, not matter what their ability, and opportunities to play football at almost any age and level are widely available. In general none of these approaches are used in China and we can see the results.

So how do you find a kid with some footballing ability? Firstly give as many young people as possible an opportunity to play football, in the street, in the park, at school, after school, at weekends and in the holidays. Don’t forget that playing football is good exercise no matter how good a child may be at it, so sitting at a table studying or playing the piano might deliver an academic genius but possibly an unhealthy one; getting the balance right between the two is important.

If the pool of young people playing football for pleasure is big enough then finding a few who have a high level of ability becomes much simpler, but of course there needs to be people looking for this talent at after school training or weekend matches; people who can see the potential of the young players and who know how to draw it out of them.

And perhaps these two points are the key to the real development of football in China. At present Chinese football clubs don’t have a proper scouting system to identify kids with ability outside of their own circle of club youth squads, and we need to see many, many football pitches swarming with young players at the weekends to give those scouting more choice and to draw those young people from every economic background out to play football. Your family status does not determine whether you like football and have ability, genetics and mental stamina do.

If anyone ever reading this article has been to England and seen the numbers of girls, boys, men and woman playing football and pitches around the countries towns and cities, they will know what I mean. Football is in the culture because we grow up on it and grass roots feeds the professional game. Come on China, lets get grass roots football going and then you will find your Messi’s and Ronaldo’s because they wont come out of the current system.


作者简介:Ken Grant 鸿俊,体育业内人士、投资人和观察家;国际主席俱乐部(IPC)及亚英体育俱乐部(AASC)董事;The English Football League中国区官方商务开发代表。在足球、高尔夫、马球等体育领域拥有广泛的国际关系。







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